Effects of the precision of the KR in dart throwing 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과 지식의 정밀성이 표창던지기 학습에 미치는 효과
조국래GookRaeCho , 김기학KiHackKim
33(3) 7-13, 1994
Effects of the precision of the KR in dart throwing 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과 지식의 정밀성이 표창던지기 학습에 미치는 효과
조국래GookRaeCho , 김기학KiHackKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of increasing the level of precision of knowledge of results on dart throwing, as practice goes on.
Subjects were 30 middle school girls and were randomly allocated in each experimental group. The experimental task was the dart throwing to target which was set 3m away from subjects. The precision of KR were Qualitative KR, Quantitative KR and Qualitative→ Quantitative KR that was provided with Qualitative KR in early practice and Quantitative KR in late acquisition phaze. Acquision phaze was practiced 90 trials with KR manipulation and retention test was performed 20 trials without KR after 10 minutes, 24 hours from acquisition trials.
The results of this experiment are that the precision of KR has an effect on retention(learning) in dart throwing and providing subjects with Qualitative KR in early practice and Quantitative KR in the late practice reveal the significantly effective in delayed retention on dart throwing.
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A Field Experiemetal Test of the Achievement Goal Perspective Theory in Sport 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 성취목표 지향성 이론의 현장 실험적 검증
유진JinYoo , 박성준SungJoonPark
33(3) 14-28, 1994
A Field Experiemetal Test of the Achievement Goal Perspective Theory in Sport 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 성취목표 지향성 이론의 현장 실험적 검증
유진JinYoo , 박성준SungJoonPark
The purpose of this study was to verify the prediction embedded in goal perspective theories concerning with the influence of situationally-induced goal and perceived competence. on cognition (attribution), affection(anxiety), and motivated behavior(performance) in a sport setting, Sixty male undergraduate students enrolled in the beginning courses of 12 week’s Tennis classes participated in the study. They were randomly placed into task goal climate condition(N=30) and ego goal climate condition(N=30), comprised two classes. To analyze the interactive effect of goal orientation and perceived competence, the subjects in each group were divided into high competence(HC) and low competence(LC) levels according to median scores on the TCQ:TG-HC (n=l7), TG-LC(n=13), EG-HC(n=13), EG-LC(n=17). In the line with the goal perspective theory, it was hypothesized that subjects in the task goal situation would increase sport performance, reduce the anxiety responses, and attribute their performance to more internal, controllable. and stable attribution(ie., effort), regardless of their levels of perceived competence and performance outcomes. However subjects in the ego goal situation would impair sport performance, increase the anxiety responses, and attribute their performance to more internal, controllable, and stable attribution(ie., ability), particuraly, when they feel low competence and failure. The results of this study supported this hypothesis. Furthermore, this study successfully evidenced that it is possible to manipulate motivation climate in real physical activity setting, which impact on student’s cognitive, affective processes and behavioral responses.
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Current Status of University Athletes' School Life and Its Recommendations for Further Improvement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학 운동선수들의 학교 생활 실태와 개선방안
이학래HakLaeLee , 고재곤JaeGonKo
33(3) 29-40, 1994
Current Status of University Athletes' School Life and Its Recommendations for Further Improvement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학 운동선수들의 학교 생활 실태와 개선방안
이학래HakLaeLee , 고재곤JaeGonKo
The goal of this study is to investigate the realities of athletes school life, their throughts and problems, and to give recommendations remedies for promotion of advisable university elite sports.
Respondents of the questionnaire for this research were 488 athletes in 8 universities in Seoul. Among them, I choose only 442 that should be statistically analized.
The research focused on ① living environment in school ② training condition ③ the status of attending classes and course works ④ participating leisure activities. The method of statistic analysis employed was x2 verification and all the data was analysed by PC5400 computer system SPSS.
The problems based on the findings of above analysis are as follows:
First, about living environment in school, students pointed out poorly equipped dormitory and lack of privacies. Also they pointed out that they have to exercise without joining in various kinds of events in school.
From these, We judge that the athletic meritocrats are confused in their way of thinking because they are at a level in their way of a semi-professional player already beyond that of a amateur. And it is not because of students themselves but because of structural conflict of university elite sports.
Second, to sum up the answers about training condition, most of the students train more than 4-5hours in a day(76.5%), even more not a few students train more than 8hours a day(7.5%). And a degree of it’s strength is usually below 80%. As the number of games in a year, players who have 3 or 4 games are 82.6%, more than 6games are 29%. Otherwise, 76.1% of the games are held during a school term, and only 23.9% are held during a vacation.
So, to arrange these, it is unreasonable to follow the schedule whose mediation between the training strength and time is unfit as above mentioned. And the game season must be changed
Third, to determine the realities of attending classes, participating leisure activities were analyzed. From the basis of the analysis, the results were: listening to radio or watching TV(48.0%), hobby activities(18.6%), talking with friends(15.6%), recreation and pleasure(l1.5%) and attending classes(1.8%). For the reason of avoiding classes, they pointed out not only difficult class(37.4%), excessive of training enforcement(28.6%), being able to get points without attending classes(7.7%) but also a cold treatment of classmates and professors. Among these, especially noticeable one in “difficult classes”. It is because of the percentage of the students is only 46.4%. After all, so many athletic meritocrats are losing their interest in studying in worng, allocated courses which is unrelated their aptitude.
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An Investigation on the Problems and Rational Basis related to the Assignment of School Hours and Management of Units for Offering Physical Education Courses at High Schools 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고교체육 시간배당 및 이수단위 운영의 문제점과 합리적 근거의 모색
신영길YeongGilShin , 손준구JuneGooSon
33(3) 41-53, 1994
An Investigation on the Problems and Rational Basis related to the Assignment of School Hours and Management of Units for Offering Physical Education Courses at High Schools 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고교체육 시간배당 및 이수단위 운영의 문제점과 합리적 근거의 모색
신영길YeongGilShin , 손준구JuneGooSon
This study was conducted to determine current problems on the assignment of school hours and management of units for offering physical education courses at high schools and to five directions for making new policies.
The procedures and methods of this study are as follows:
① Point out the major problems with the movement of reducing the units for the requirement of the physical education at high schools.
② Analyze the problems with the proposed plans to offer the courses in the 6th curriculum and its managerial guides in city and province.
③ Examine its suggestions by curriculum`s management and assignment of school hours in other major countries for reference.
④ Search its minimum conditions with the rationality to offer the physical education courses.
In result of study, there are the tendency of steadily reducing the unit for requiring to offer physical education at high schools.
Also, the “8” units of hour that were required by a guide of city or province on the 6th curriculum revision forecasts to face the worst crisis on the history of school physical education.
The “8” units of hour which is about 38 percents of Japan and 25 percents of the United States is relatively low with respect to the importance of the course in physical education at schools.
Accordingly, it should be reconsidered to increase the hours of physical education at high schools with more than 20 units in the 7th revision of curriculum as well as to offer 14 units at each of high schools.
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A study of psychological characteristics in taekwondo players 인문 · 사회과학편 : 태권도선수의 심리적 특성에 관한 연구
33(3) 54-61, 1994
A study of psychological characteristics in taekwondo players 인문 · 사회과학편 : 태권도선수의 심리적 특성에 관한 연구
This study examined psychological characteristics of taekwondo players according to performance. Psychological factors consisted of personality, sport competitive anxiety, attention style, concentration, and mental toughness. 48 male high school taekwondo players participated in this study.
Results were as follows :
1. The variables of personality showed no significant difference between elite and non-elite group.
2. Level of competitive anxiety of elite group showed a significant lower value than non-elite group, and level of concentration of elite group showed a significant higher value than non-elite group.
3. In the analysis of attention style, all sub-variables showed no significant difference between elite and non-elite group. But elite group showed a higher a value in relation to internal factors, and non-elite group showed a higher a value in relation to external factors.
4. In the mental toughness, levels of confidence, arousal control and attention control of elite group showed a significant higher than the non-elite group.
In this results, competitive anxiety, concentration, confidence, arousal control, and attention control effect to performance of taekwondo players, so I suggest the requirement of training program for the control of psychological characteristics in taekwondo players.
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The Structural Relationship Model between Motivational Factors on Achievement Goal Orientations 인문 · 사회과학편 : 성취목표지향에 따른 동기요인간의 구조적 관계모형
33(3) 62-72, 1994
The Structural Relationship Model between Motivational Factors on Achievement Goal Orientations 인문 · 사회과학편 : 성취목표지향에 따른 동기요인간의 구조적 관계모형
The purpose of this study is to establish the structural relationship model between motivational factors on achievement goal orientations. For this, three major questions are raised: first, it tries to investigate the effect of motivational climate on achievement goal orientations and trait-perceived competence in a competitive exercise setting, second, the effect of goal orientation pattern and perceived competence level on motivational behaviour pattern and emotional reaction factors(mood, satisfaction over exercise programs), third, it tries to estabilish the model relationship between goal orientation, perceived competence, emotional reaction factor and exercise adherence.
Subjects are randomly assigned to task-involved goal orientation group(Group I) and ego-involved goal orientation group(Group II), Each group consists of 80 female student; aged 18∼19.
All the experimental tools (TEOSQ, Perceived Competence Scale, POMS, Satisfaction Scale) had their construct validity and reliability tested before the experiment was conducted. Exercise programs were designed to help both groups experience mastery and competitive success achievement. Task-involved motivational climate was constructed for Group I and ego-involved motivational climate for Group II . Concerning 1st question of this purpose, the two groups showed significant difference as a result of the t-test(t=-2.41, p<.05) concerning the effect of motivational climate on goal orientation, And also, significant difference(F1.289=15.66, p<.000) was revealed from 2-way ANOVA(Group I , II * test trial 1, 2).
The results of 2-way ANOVA(Group(I, II) * perceived competence(high, low) concerning 2nd questions indicated that significant difference between groups was revealed in exercise adherence (F1.63)=9.34, p<.003), mood(F1.63)=6.74, p<.012) and satisfaction(F1.63)=34.63, p<.000).
LISREL analysis result supported the model relationship between goal orientations, perceived competence, emotional reaction factors and exercise adherence.
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A study on the present state and developmental Plan of Sports for all experts Training 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육지도자의 양성실태 및 육성방안에 관한 연구
33(3) 73-84, 1994
A study on the present state and developmental Plan of Sports for all experts Training 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육지도자의 양성실태 및 육성방안에 관한 연구
This study investigated researched the realities on sports for all experts training. And then on the base of the problems which are found we have expored ways of efficient cultivator and practical use of sports for all experts. After that the following conclusions are offered:
1. Construction of cultivating system of sports for all experts.
1) The demend-supply program of sports for all experts is to be constructed and the prospect of that program is to be offered according to qualifications, items, and facilities, ets.
2) The function of cultivating organ to sports for all experts should be reinforced, therefore regional differences has to be dissolved and has to established public confidence.
3) Through the efficient utilization in department of Physical Education of University and College, has to reserved efficiently quarantee and demand of sports for all experts.
4) Through the specialist of sports for all experts, has to established lifelong professional and social confidence.
2. Confficient utilization of sports for all experts
1) Through the improvement of social recognition the need of employment of sports for all experts should be practically propagated and enlightenend.
2) The qualificated sport for all experts should be enforced the obligation of employment, therefore the administrative support has to required powerfully.
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인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용의 경험 수준이 시범학습의 효과에 미치는 영향
조근종 , 안혜영
33(3) 85-96, 1994
인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용의 경험 수준이 시범학습의 효과에 미치는 영향
조근종 , 안혜영
The effects of domain-specific expertise on the learning and performance phases of modeling in dance were investigated. Over separate acquisition periods for two dances, university undergraduates(10 experts, 29 novices) had opportunities to observe the dances, to sequence still photos to represent each dance, and to physically perform the observed patterns. Expert novice differences were found to affect both phases of the process. Experts generally recalled more information than novices, representing it more accurately in the pictorial resequencing task and in overt performances. Qualitative data suggested that experts used more learning strategies and were not affected by irrelevant information. They were better at all aspects of the physical performance, in cluding musicality and performance quality. The findings indicated the importance of defining subject expertise in future modeling studies and the need for dance educators to address the total modeling precess in relation to the dance expertise of their students.
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The Trend of Sport Sociology Research in South Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국내 스포츠 사회학의 연구 동향
33(3) 97-105, 1994
The Trend of Sport Sociology Research in South Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국내 스포츠 사회학의 연구 동향
This paper updates and extends previous researches of the sociology of Sport in South Korea. It provides a brief history of the field as well as a description of a social context in which the field emerged and grew. The date reveal socialization, subculture, group, education, politics, economy, deviance, stratification, methodology and mass-media in the order of their interesting topic; religion, art, organization, social change, mass-media and methodology in the order of their unpopular topic.
Then review of data from the field leads to the conclusion that the subfield in Physical Education has a series bias in the theory and methodology despite its full quantity. In fact, there is no research adopting a qualitative methodology throughout the whole date. Although th continued numerial growth of those calling themselves Sport Sociologists has occured, the bias doesn`t look like to significantly correct in immediate future. However, the author recommend that the theoretical and methodogical barrier for the development of the Sociology of Sport in South Korea should be eliminated.
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Intensity and direction of competitive state anxiety and situational variables with performance of soft tennis 인문 · 사회과학편 : 정구선수들의 수행에 영향을 미치는 상황요인과 불안의 강도와 방향
신길수KilSooShin , 이동재DongJaeLee
33(3) 106-117, 1994
Intensity and direction of competitive state anxiety and situational variables with performance of soft tennis 인문 · 사회과학편 : 정구선수들의 수행에 영향을 미치는 상황요인과 불안의 강도와 방향
신길수KilSooShin , 이동재DongJaeLee
This study examined relationships between intensity and direction dimensions of competitive state anxiety, situational variables and also relationships with soft tennis performance in a sample of famale(n=35) and male(n=35) athletes. All the subjects completed a Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2(CSAI-2), Situational variables 1-2 hours before performance. This inventory included the original intensity scale plus a direction scale in which subjects rated the degree to thick the experienced intensity of each symptom was either facilitative or debilitative to subsequent soft tennis. Analyses of variance indicated significant group differences on cognitive anxiety intensity, self-confidence intensity, somatic anxiety direction, self-confidence direction scores. Stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that significant predictor of performance the male was self-confidence direction. The final analysis involved calculating correlation coefficients among the CSAI-2 sub-component intensity and direction scores and also performance. These results provide the study that sports performer’s directional perceptions of their anxiety symptoms may provide further understanding of competitive state anxiety response, and benefit from this more detailed approach, as opposed to the rather limited intensity-alone perspective currently employed.
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인문 · 사회과학 편 : 중소도시(中小都市) 기업체(企業體) 근로자(勤勞者)의 스포츠 참가실태(參加實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
33(3) 118-134, 1994
인문 · 사회과학 편 : 중소도시(中小都市) 기업체(企業體) 근로자(勤勞者)의 스포츠 참가실태(參加實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
1. Conclusion
As you can see, the purpose of this thesis is to find the way how to activate social sports.
It has investiged the relations between workers’ health and increase of productive power by means of the basic datum to help cooperation of capital and labor, We have reached the conclusion by analyzing the condition of workers’ activity who work at Posco. (Po’hang City) and H-group (Kyongju City).
This will be described separately :
1. Concerning sports media which is most effective, TV is highly ranked at every age, sex, educated though there are some difference in getting older and getting less educated. The rate of watching TV is appeared to be a 78.1 percent of office workers and a 75.4 Percent of producer including papers.
2. Workers have little time to watch the sports channel on TV. It’s less than one hour to watch it a day. The fact is that has something to do with too much work.
3. They are not very satisfied with the training facilities. On the other hand, the rate of being satisfied is less than a 7 persent of all. It tells us that we ought to increase training facilities and consider how to use the old ones.
4. Concerning the aim to rear the professional sport teams, they don’t regard it as a co-operation of their companies and spreding the public sports, but as a kind of advertisemend and commercial. This means that they need enough training facilities and time to use for themselves, getting out of just watching gamesand players.
5. Concerning the rate of being satisfied with sports activity, they are not very satisfied. There is only a 13.0 percent who is satisfied. It is pointed out that is lack of facilities and various programs which can be used at every suitable place.
6. The main reason of dissatisfaction from sports activity is little time, few places to do sports. It’s also pointed out that increase of the training facilities and various leadership to activate are to be needed.
7. Indeed, the reason why they can’t do the sports activities it’s because of little time, financial difficulties and poor health. They don’t need vast sport complex, but increase of small training facilities around. For example, in the company or in the parks.
8. If they are asked to do sports or play in the game, it depends on their schedules and what kind of game. This is a kind of phenomenon which os by the lack of time, facilities and sports clubs for workers.
9. Generally, Exercising time is less than 30 minutes a week. On the other hand, there is 21.2 percent of workers who doesn’t talce any exercises.
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권봉안BongAnKwon , 수잔김SUSANYeunHeeKim-Park
33(3) 135-145, 1994
권봉안BongAnKwon , 수잔김SUSANYeunHeeKim-Park
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The Relationship between Perceived Caoching Behaviors and Group Cohesion in Rubgy 인문 · 사회과학편 : 럭비 코치들의 리더쉽 행동유형(行動類型)과 집단(集團) 응집력(凝集力)의 관계(關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
33(3) 146-153, 1994
The Relationship between Perceived Caoching Behaviors and Group Cohesion in Rubgy 인문 · 사회과학편 : 럭비 코치들의 리더쉽 행동유형(行動類型)과 집단(集團) 응집력(凝集力)의 관계(關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
This study was to examine the relationship between leader behaviors and team cohesion in rugby. Leader behaviors style was measured by using LSS(Leadership Sclae for Sport) which was developed by chelladurai(1978) and Team Cohesion was measured by using GCQ(Group Cohesion Questionnaire) which was developed by Lee et al.(1993). Date collection was administered to 10 groups of 174 male high school rugby players. Canonical correlation analysis were employed to find out the relationship between leadership style and group cohesion totally.
The results were following as:
1) Leader behaviors style effecting to the group cohesion were training and instruction, democratic, social support, and positive feedback behavior.
2) The subscale of team cohesion effecting to the leadership were individual task and group task.
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The general tendencies of business types in sports sponsorship 인문 · 사회과학편 : 기업 유형별 스포츠 스폰서쉽에 대한 태도 분석
33(3) 154-164, 1994
The general tendencies of business types in sports sponsorship 인문 · 사회과학편 : 기업 유형별 스포츠 스폰서쉽에 대한 태도 분석
The purpose of this study is to analyze general tendencies of particular business types towards of primary importance will be their sponsorship participation, criteria, principles, and perceptions of sponsorship. This investigation in intended to facilitate access of sports organizations to appropriate companies to obtain sponsorship.
For this study, 186 companies were selected out of the highest ranking 250 major Korean Companies based on annual sales totals.
Based on the standard industry classification code of the korean securities Board, the business types were divided into eight major categories: banking & securities 16.7%(n=31), construction 12.3%(n=23), electricity & electronics 11.8.%(n=22), food & beverages 12.9%(n=24), machinery & fabricated metals 11.3%(n=21), non-metallic mineral products 11.8%(n=22), petroleum & chemical products 9.8%(n=18), whole sale & retail trade 13.4%(n=25).
Based on the results of this study, one conclude that each business type pursues different operative goals depending upon its characteristics and surrounding circumstances. The implications of these finding suggest that sports organizations should have a properly defined and articulated sponsorship policy to fit them in order to approach with success the particular business type they want.
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The effect of muscular strength changing in the quadriceps and hamstrings according to isotonic , isometric and isokinetic muscle contraction types in training 자연과학편 : 등장성, 등척성 및 등속성 근수축 훈련에 의한 대퇴근력의 변화에 관한 연구
박종성JongSungPark , 이한용HanYongLee
33(3) 167-179, 1994
The effect of muscular strength changing in the quadriceps and hamstrings according to isotonic , isometric and isokinetic muscle contraction types in training 자연과학편 : 등장성, 등척성 및 등속성 근수축 훈련에 의한 대퇴근력의 변화에 관한 연구
박종성JongSungPark , 이한용HanYongLee
The purpose of the present study is to analyze the effect of a training program of reinforcing thign muscle’s strength by exercise of the knee joint, using a guage of synthetic muscle strength, MERAC which is utilized in the field of sports medical science, specially for the revival of the region of the thign, a part which performs a very important function in physical activity, general problems of health, protection of an wound, etc., and to clarify the changes of(quadriceps and hamstrings) after such a training.
For the set purpose, some of undergraduate students who do not major in physical education at ‘M‘ university were given a training program of muscle contraction for 12 weeks using; a guage of MERAC. And then, the changes of the quadriceps and hamstrings were compared and analyzed. Conclusions made from such a comparative analytical study are as follows :
1) It appeared that in the effect of the total work in the quadriceps and hamstrings, the isokinetic training group showed more improvement than the isotonic training group and isometric training group(P<.001), and the total exercise amount by various speed appeared bigger in low speed than in high speed(P<.001). And the effect of the total work traning exercise showed a statistically significant difference with regard to a period of such training.
2) It appeared that in the effect of the average power in the quadriceps and hamstrings from the training; from the group having the highest effect, they were the isokinetic training group, isotonic training group, isometric training group, and control group(P<.001), and regarding various speed, the average power was higher in high speed than in low speed(P<.001). And it appeared that the effect of the average power of moment response in the exercise training in the quadriceps and hamstrings showed a statistically significant difference with regard to a period of such training.
3) It appeared that in the effect of the peak torque in the quadriceps and hamstrings from the training; from the group having the highest effect, they were the isokinetic training group, isotonic training group, isometric training group, and control group(P<.05), and the peak torque in various speed showed higher in low speed than in high speed (P<.001). And it appeared that the effect of the peak torque in the quadriceps and hamstrings showed a statistically significant difference with regard to a period of such training.
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SERVO - MECHANISM OF CO - CONTRACTION ON BALLISTIC MOVEMENT IN TAEKWOUNDO ATHLETES 자연과학 편 : 태권도선수의 순간(瞬間)(순발(瞬發))동작(動作)에 있어서 근수축(筋收縮)의 서보메카니즘(억제작용)
이정범JeongBeomLee , 최정환JeongHwanChoi
33(3) 180-186, 1994
SERVO - MECHANISM OF CO - CONTRACTION ON BALLISTIC MOVEMENT IN TAEKWOUNDO ATHLETES 자연과학 편 : 태권도선수의 순간(瞬間)(순발(瞬發))동작(動作)에 있어서 근수축(筋收縮)의 서보메카니즘(억제작용)
이정범JeongBeomLee , 최정환JeongHwanChoi
The temporo-spatial characteristics of muscle co-contraction can be examined by surface electromyographic(EMG) analysis. Therefore, this investigation is to clarify the servo-mechanical difference of co-contraction between normal adults and trained sports(Taekwondo) athletes in ballistic movement in the upper extremities.
Ten untrained male nonathletes and ten male tained sports athletes all aged between 20 and 22 years participarted in the experiment.
Ten trials of ballistic finger extensions were done by the signal of randomized photic stimulation. Surface electromyogram(EMG) from the mid-point of the finger extensor and the flexor muscle groups and finger movement(acceleration) as a timing marker were measured. Pre-motor time (PMT), motor time(MT), reaction time(RT) and integrated electromyographic(I-EMG), during 500ms from the PMT were calculated by bio-information multi-task analyzing program (BIMUTAS-E ver. 2.1, Kissei Comtec) and a personal computer(PC-9801T, NEC).
Latency were as follows. PMT in the extensor muscle is 11 milliseconds shorter than that in the flexor muscle in majority of Taekwondo athletes.
Flexor Extensor Ratio. I-EMG values; ratio of integrated EMG of the flexor and extenxor muscle were 65.3% in control group and 150.5% in Taekwondo athletes.
In each sport activity we need the characteristic combination of power, speed and skill of movement. Trained Taekwondo athletes have good servo-mechanism; in the reactive and ballistic limb movement.
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Daily living conditions related to physical fitness in girls aged 12 to 14 years 자연과학편 : 여자중학생(女子中學生)의 체력(體力)에 관련(關聯)하는 제요인(諸要因)의 검토(檢討)
김헌경HunKyungKim , 김기학KiHackKim
33(3) 187-200, 1994
Daily living conditions related to physical fitness in girls aged 12 to 14 years 자연과학편 : 여자중학생(女子中學生)의 체력(體力)에 관련(關聯)하는 제요인(諸要因)의 검토(檢討)
김헌경HunKyungKim , 김기학KiHackKim
Physical activity, nutrition and dietary habit are hypothesized to be major factors that may have an influence on physical fitness. This study was designed to determine what factors one’s daily living conditions are associated with physical fitness. Three hundred and five girls, aged 12 to 14 years, were used in this study. A questionnaire consisting of 49 items was administered. The questionnaire was divided into categories including condition of physical exercise, dietary condition, rest condition, and maturation. Nineteen physical fitness variables were tested and skinfold thickness was measured at six sites. Bioelectric impedance(Z) was measured using a Selco SIF-891 impedance analyzer. Body density was calculated from the formula of Kim et al. To analyze the factorial structure in girls, principal factor analysis was applied to the correlation matrix which was calculated with 19 variables, and then six factors were extracted. In order to examine the effect of daily living conditions on physical fitness, the: degree of contribution of each factor was calculated. The %fat was found to have a greater effect: on the muscular power factor, body bulk on the muscular strength factor, the amount of exercise on the body endurance factor, home activity on the flexibility factor, body linearity on the muscular endurance factor, and maturation on the balance factor. From these results, it might be suggested that physique, %fat and eating habits are major factors that affect physical fitness of girls. The %fat was found to be on important factor that affects many physical fitness elements. The relationships between physical fitness and daily living conditions seem to be rather complicated, and a great deal of data should be accumulated for the analysis of influence of daily living condition on girls.
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The Evaluation of stress threshold by hormones changes during treadmill exercise using Bruce' stress testing protocol 자연과학편 : 점증부하 운동시 호르몬 변화에 의한 스트레스 역치 수준 평가
유호영HoYoungRyou , 은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuLim
33(3) 201-212, 1994
The Evaluation of stress threshold by hormones changes during treadmill exercise using Bruce' stress testing protocol 자연과학편 : 점증부하 운동시 호르몬 변화에 의한 스트레스 역치 수준 평가
유호영HoYoungRyou , 은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuLim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of HR, V˙O₂, FS, ACTH, Cortisol, and Catecholamine which are stress hormone at interval of one minute from rest to all-out excepting 1-4 minute during the absolute exercise by the Bruce’s stress testing protocol in order to estimate stress threshold. Stress threshold was estimated by the relationship among ventilatory threshold, FS value and hormones level according to exercise time. All subjects were healthy 10 male students on university. Experiment planning was a repeated measurement within group, with indipendent variable being exercise time and dependent variable being each testing item.
All raw data were tested by ANOVA against the changing difference of measurement variable per time: and the analysis of their correlation was made by using Pearson’s product movement correlation equation; after on the basis of VT tested the correlation among variables, regression equations for the estimation of stress threshold were produced with VT and HR, epinephrine and norepinephrine whose correlation can be seen.
The results of the study were as follows :
1) The HR during exercise was significant changed according to exercise time rather than to exercise load.
2) The V˙O₂ during exercise increased significantly according to exercise time.
3) The ACTH during exercise increased significantly according to exercise time.
4) The cortisol during exercise increased significantly according to exercise time after VT.
5) The epinephrine during exercise increased significantly agan at submaximal level after shown plateau just before VT time.
6) The norepinephrine during exercise increased significantly agan at submaximal level after shown plateau at 5, 6, 7 minute as VT time.
7) The FS during exercise decreased significantly according to exercise time.
8) The estimation of stress threshold can evaluate only V˙O₂, HR and epinephrine at VT time.
The comprehensive conclusion of this study was that stress threshold level by means of HR, epinephrine can be estimated by VT. Thus, it must be considered that the homeostasis collapse of cardiorespiratory system occurred in the treatment of exercise for non-professionals is brought about by the working of catecholamines which has an effect on the sympathetic system, and that the homeostasis collapses of the cardiorespiratory system, be shown partly from the paint in which catecholamines secretes above the stress threshold level. That is, when the subjects are taking exercise by using Bruce’s stress testing protocol, stress is recognized at the time before and after minutes after the begining of exercise or from the point of V˙O₂ max. And, the studies, classifying catecholamines as stress hormines and looking upon exercise as one of sources of stress, attracts much growing interest in these days, and the stress threshold level can be considered as the point on which one can physically recognize exercise as stress, the following can be suggested as a consecutive study: a study on the measurement of stress threshold in giving diverse exercise load in the laboratory or a study on the estimation of stress threshold level in the exercise program applying those results in the physical education fields.
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Heart Rate and Lactate Changes During College - age Female Hockey Games 자연과학편 : 대학 여자 하키선수들의 경기중 심박수와 혈중 젖산농도 변화
장경태KyungTaeJang , 우상배SangBaeWoo
33(3) 213-223, 1994
Heart Rate and Lactate Changes During College - age Female Hockey Games 자연과학편 : 대학 여자 하키선수들의 경기중 심박수와 혈중 젖산농도 변화
장경태KyungTaeJang , 우상배SangBaeWoo
The purpose of this study was to examine the heart rate and blood lactate changes of players during hockey games. Heart rates and blood lactate were measured on 8 players during 2 test-matches. In addition, VO₂max and HRmax were measured using a treadmill at the laboratory.
The results of the study showed that during the games, players were exercising above the lactate threshold level for a considerable amount of time. The study also indicated that high level of aerobic capacity is required, especially in strikers and mid-fielders, to prevent the blood lactate increase during hockey game.
The range of maximal oxygen uptake of players was quite diverse, from 43.5 to 61.2㎖/㎏. min. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of the training program, exercise prescription should be given on an individual basis.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that hockey players should increase their aerobic capacity to minimize the detremental effects of rising blood lactate.
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Effects of Weight Training on Bone Mineral Density in Middle Aged Women 자연과학편 : 중량운동이 중년여성들의 골밀도에 미치는 효과
33(3) 224-234, 1994
Effects of Weight Training on Bone Mineral Density in Middle Aged Women 자연과학편 : 중량운동이 중년여성들의 골밀도에 미치는 효과
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The Changes of Catecholamine on The pre and post Aerobic Exercise Training 자연과학편 : 유산소성 지구력 훈련 전 · 후 Catecholamine 변화에 관한 연구
이강평KangPyungLee , 은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuLim
33(3) 235-243, 1994
The Changes of Catecholamine on The pre and post Aerobic Exercise Training 자연과학편 : 유산소성 지구력 훈련 전 · 후 Catecholamine 변화에 관한 연구
이강평KangPyungLee , 은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuLim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on the nature of catecholamine metabolism. All subjects were 8 males students on H unive, who were nonadapted to exercise. They participated in intermittent training program of aerobic exercise by HR 140-150 beat/min. level for 8 weeks.
Independent variables for the study were pre and post of training and conditIons(rest, immediatLy exercise, and 15, 30, 60min, after exercise), dependent value was epinphrine and norepinephrine. Exercise treatment for blood sampling was Bruce’s stress testing protocol. For data analysis used MANOVA of SPSS and critical level for significance was α 0.05.
The result of study can be summarized as follows.
1. Epinephrines increased significantly after treadmill exercise and decreased according to rest conditions, and recovered as resting level at a hour resting after exercise regardless of aerobic exercise training.
2. Epinephrines were showed nonsignificant differences between the pre and post aerobic exercise training. And the nature of epinephrines changes were showed same aspect.
3. Norepinephrines also increased significantly after treadmill exercise and decreased according to rest conditions, and recovered as resting level at a hour resting after exercise regardless of aerobic exercise training.
4. Norepinephrine were significantly decreased after aerobic exercise program at rest pHASe. So, aerobic exercise program were effected on norepinephrines decrease, and interection effect exist between aerobic training and conditions.
As, above results this study can suggested that aerobic exercise program can’t effect the changes of epinephrine, but can decrease norepinephrine releasing level. So, future research should be study for the mechanism of norepinephrine metabolism about these results.
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The analysis of the injury patterns and cause in Volleyball . players ( The 11th presidential cup man and woman volleyball tournament ) 자연과학편 : 배구선수의 부상형태와 원인분석 - 제11회 대통령배 전국 남 · 여 배구대회를 중심으로 -
33(3) 244-253, 1994
The analysis of the injury patterns and cause in Volleyball . players ( The 11th presidential cup man and woman volleyball tournament ) 자연과학편 : 배구선수의 부상형태와 원인분석 - 제11회 대통령배 전국 남 · 여 배구대회를 중심으로 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate the injury patterns of players during 1993-1994 Presidential Cup Man and Woman Volleyball Tournament, to analyze the cause of injury, and to provide the fundamental idea of reducing the occurance of injuries in volleyball players. A total of 98 players(male: 56, female; 42) who participated in the second league of Presidential Cup tournament were replied the questionary, the results of the questionary obtained from the study were as follows :
First, The injury rate of volleyball players during the tournament was 16% and The ankle injury represented 30.2% of total injury occurance. They were relatively considered to be higher rate.
Second, This study suggests that more injuries may be encounted at a competitive volleyball tournament and rate of injury occurance was increased as the tournament continued Also, The pattern of injury had a close relation with the previous history of injury.
Third, the most common pattern of injury was the ankle sprain(45%), and body contact which showed 28.6% of total injury was the primary source of volleyball game. Landing after hiting or blocking accounted for 36.4 of injury rate.
Fourth, Injury of the players had negative effect on the performance during the tournament. Especially, most players believed that injury is the major cause of win or loss of the game.
Fifth, Ice massage(42.3%) was the primary medical treatment of injury during the game, and taping(48.6%) was used to prevent the occurance of injury before the game.
Sixth, More than six weeks(50%) which is relatively long were taken to recover the injury and over 90% of players was continued to participate the tournament with complete recovery.
Seventh, It was pointed out that tournament period and the number of game should be reduced to prevent severe injury of volleyball players.
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A Clinical Study of Mobilisin With Musculoskeletal Injuries 자연과학편 : 스포츠 상해로 인한 근 · 골격계 손상에 대한 모빌리신(Mobilisin) 효능에 관한 임상연구
Mucopolysaccharide polysulfuric ester is definitely absorbed through the skin, and clearly inhibits lysosomal enzymes, so that pain and inflammation are dimimished, simultaneous increase of local blood and lymph flow increases the absorption of exudates and of inflammatory products of metabolism from the tissues. Salicylic acid stabilizes the lysosomal membrane and provents liberation of lysosomal enzyme. Flufenamic acid inhibits the biosynthesis of prostagladins and reduction in the release of lysosomal proteases.
The study was based on the application of Mobilism(non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) to 65 patients(athletes=37, general accident=28) with acute musculoskeletal injuries resulting from sports injuries or general accidents. A length of 5-10 ㎝(Mobilism) shoud be applied and gently massaged in to the skin several times daily. results of treatment were assessed taking into account the degree of pain(pain on motion, pain on pressure, spontaneous pain, joint swelling) to achieve improvement. findings of the study were as follows:
1. The average disappearance of symptoms after percutaneous application of mucopolysaccharide (Mobilisin) was as follows: pain on motion in 14 days, pain on pressure in 14 days, spontaneous pain in 7 days, swelling in 7 days.
2. The efficacy, which was evaluated as excellent or good, was 81.5% by the all subjects.
3. The efficacy, which was evaluated as excellent or good, was 88% by the results of the ratio comparative satisfaction to other products.
4. Joint angle was significantly increased in the distortion group after pre, 2·4 weeks and maintained through out the entire experimental period. There were significant differences between period(pre-28days).
5. No general side effects reactions were noted.
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The Effect of Weight Training and Circuit Weight Training on the Muscle strength and Physical Work Capacity 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝과 써키트 웨이트 트레이닝이 근력(筋力) 및 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
33(3) 264-275, 1994
The Effect of Weight Training and Circuit Weight Training on the Muscle strength and Physical Work Capacity 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝과 써키트 웨이트 트레이닝이 근력(筋力) 및 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Weight training and Circuit Weight training on the muscle strength and physical work capacity.
16 physical education students at K University were selected as subjects and then. divided into two groups: the Weight training group with 8 students, the Circuit Weight training group with 8 students.
Training was performed three times a week for the period of 8 weeks.
The results were as follows;
1. In the improvement of arm strength, leg strength, grip strength, and back strength, there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in both group.
2. On the rest heart rate, there is very decreased in Weight training group(p<0.05) and Circuit weight training group(p<0.05).
3. In the improvement of All-out time and P.W.C_(170), there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test in Weight group(p<0.01 &p<0.02) and Circuit weight training group(p<0.001 & p<0.01).
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The study on energy cost and exercise intensity during golf 자연과학편 : 골프 운동중의 에너지 소비량과 운동강도에 관한 연구
33(3) 276-282, 1994
The study on energy cost and exercise intensity during golf 자연과학편 : 골프 운동중의 에너지 소비량과 운동강도에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to analysis exercise intensity and energy expenditure during golf exercise of 18 hole. In this study 4 men(45.25±3.59 yrs.)were selected as subjects. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that:
1. Mean of the exercise intensity during golf rounding for 18 holes was 36.22±7.01%HRmax, and it was ranged from 25.19.% to 48.36%.
2. Mean of the energy expenditure during golf rounding for 18 holes was 7.18±0.92㎉/min which is equivalent to 0.099±0.012㎉/㎏/min.
The exercise intensity and energy expenditure measured during golf rounding for 18 holes were lower than those which might be registered while involved in any other kinds of sports Due to the fact that the energy source for low intensity and long duration exercise is reported to be supplied from fat rather than carbohydrate, which is major energy source for high-intensity exercise, playing golf can be considered as important way of controlling body composition and weight.
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Exercise Load and RT Task Performance : Psychophysiological Analyses 자연과학편 : 점진적 운동부하에 따른 RT 과제수행 : 심리생리적 분석
33(3) 283-291, 1994
Exercise Load and RT Task Performance : Psychophysiological Analyses 자연과학편 : 점진적 운동부하에 따른 RT 과제수행 : 심리생리적 분석
The purpose of this study was to psychophysiologically analyze the effect of aerobic exercise upon cognitive performance. An exercise adherence test was administered to 200 random sample, and 20 college students(10 exercise adherers and 10 non-adherers) were selected according to the score distribution. They performed a simple reaction time(SRT) and a choise reaction time(CRT) task just after exercise at different levels of exercise intensity(control, 95%, 80%. 50% VO₂max). Their HRs were continuously monitored every 5 sec over the duration of the RT tesk. A series of repeated measure of ANOVAs and a correlation procedure indicated the following results :
1. There were no significant SRT differences between EA and NEA, and there were no significant SRT differences among subjects who exercised at different levels of intensity.
2. Subjects at the 80% intensity condition showed much faster CRT than those at the control and other exercise conditions.
3. There was no significant relationship between RT(SRT/CRT) and HR changes during RT task performance.
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The anaerobic power and blood lactate recovery rate of University baseball players 자연과학편 : 대학 야구산수의 무산소성 파워와 젖산회복율에 관한 연구
33(3) 292-299, 1994
The anaerobic power and blood lactate recovery rate of University baseball players 자연과학편 : 대학 야구산수의 무산소성 파워와 젖산회복율에 관한 연구
This study was to find the relationship of the anaerobic power and blood lactate recovery rate of baseball using 7 players.
The results as follows:
1. The average of subjects’ anaerobic power is 639.71±67.58 Watts with the maximum of 784. 57±102.47 Watts.
2. The fatigue Index(%) showing the amount of decreased power for 30 seconds is 38.44±7.31
3. The rest blood lactate concentration is 1.37±40mmoles/1 and the maximun concentration is 7.36±1.22mmoles/l during 5 minute recovery period.
4. The ANOVA and its post-hoc comparison show that the F value is 44.31(degree of 36). Thus the difference of each recovery time average is significant(p<0.001).
5. The ANOVA and its post-hoc comparison show that the maximum power and mean power ; maximum power and total work: mean power and total work have statistically significant correlation’s with .9413(p<0.001), .9415(p<0.001), and 1.000(p<0.001), respectively.
This results suggest that further research should address not only the relations between players’ psychological aspects and the intensity of exercise during games but also those among the measurement of anaerobic capacity, the rate of lactate change and the throwing speed.
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The Study on Enhancement of Cardiovascular Endurance by Using Optimum Exercise Prescription of Stepping Training for Obese & Normal Middle - aged Females 자연과학편 : 비만과 정상 중년여성의 적정 Stepping 운동처방을 통한 훈련이 심폐지구력 향상에 관한 연구
33(3) 300-309, 1994
The Study on Enhancement of Cardiovascular Endurance by Using Optimum Exercise Prescription of Stepping Training for Obese & Normal Middle - aged Females 자연과학편 : 비만과 정상 중년여성의 적정 Stepping 운동처방을 통한 훈련이 심폐지구력 향상에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of stepping training on cardiovascular endurance for the middle aged females.
The subjected are divided into obese & normal stepping training groups by using body mass index(Obese Stepping Training Group: BMI>30㎏/㎡, Normal Stepping Training Group: BMI> 20∼ 25㎏/㎡). After that, the 12 subjects of obese and normal stepping groups were established by stepping training intensity using each stepping height(15,3㎝, 20.3㎝, 25.4㎝) & music tempo (0-4week:113bpm, 5-8week:118bpm, 9-12week:l23bpm) within 80∼90% HRmax(before training, after 4weeks training, after 8weeks training).
And the obese and normal stepping training groups are to compare and analyze the charges of cardiorespiratory fitness maintaining equal intensity for 12 weeks.
The results were as follows :
1. The obese stepping training group showed significant differences in VT, VT-VO₂, VT-HR, VT-Time, VEmax, VO₂max, All-Out Time(p<0.01∼p<0.001). Normal stepping training group showed significant differences in VT-Time, VEmax and All Out Time(p(0.01∼p<0.001).
2. Total stepping training group Showed significant differences in VT, VT-VO₂, VT-Time, VEmax, All-Out Time(p<0.001).
3. The changes of VT-Time between groups showed higher differences in normal stepping group than in obese stepping group, but the changes of VEmax between groups showed higher differences in obese stepping group than normal group.
These results suggest that stepping training within the same conditions intensity could provides a useful means to enhance cardiorespiratory fitness of obese & normal middle-aged females.
Especially, the stepping training of the obese middle-aged females had greater effects on cardiovascular endurance.
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33(3) 310-322, 1994
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wheelchair basketball training on plasma catecholamine, serum lipids and lipoproteins in the spinal cord injured(SCI).
This study included 9 SCI men with mean age of 31 in the treatment group and 9 SCI men with mean age 32 in the control group. The subjects in the treatment group volunteered to train for aerobic exercise. They performed wheelchair basketball over 1 hour in every two or more days a week for 12 weeks.
Pre- and post- exercise test were administered using the arm ergometer with 12.5 watt increase in every minute from 0 watt until subjects were exhausted. Before each test two minutes, warm-up(25 watt, 50rpm) and two minutes, rest were done. l0㎖ of blood was sampled from median cubital, vein three times, just before the exercise, immediately after the maximal exercise, and 30 minutes after the exercise.
Analysis of covariance and paired t-test were employed for data analysis at the .05 level of significance.
The results of this study were as follows:
1. After the 12-week wheelchair basketball training, pre- and post-test on the levels of concentration of plasma catecholamine for each session were not changed significantly. There was a significant difference between the concentration of plasma catecholamine at rest and the concentration of plasma catecholamine immediately after the maximal exercise(p<.01). After the exercise, the rate of decrement of plasma catecholamine concentration 30 minutes after the exercise was appeared statistically significant(p<.01).
2. After the 12-week wheelchair basketball training, the levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL-cholesterol were not changed significantly, whereas the level of HDL-cholesterol increased(p<.05) and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol decreased statistically significant(p<.01).
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Plasma Epinephrine and Lactate Responses during Graded Exercise with Glycogen Depletion and Carbohydrate Diet 자연과학편 : 점증부하운동시 글리코겐 고갈 및 고탄수화물식 섭취가 혈장 에피네프린과 젖산 농도에 미치는 영향
김형렬 , 박철호
33(3) 323-331, 1994
Plasma Epinephrine and Lactate Responses during Graded Exercise with Glycogen Depletion and Carbohydrate Diet 자연과학편 : 점증부하운동시 글리코겐 고갈 및 고탄수화물식 섭취가 혈장 에피네프린과 젖산 농도에 미치는 영향
김형렬 , 박철호
The purpose of this study was to investigate changes of plasma epinephrine and lactate during maximal exercise in various glycogen conditions.
The subjects were composed of 7 male college students. They performed the incremental exercise test by way of bicycle ergometer in normal glycogen condition, glycogen-depleted condition and glycogen-loaded condition. Glycogen depletion and loading were formed as a result of exercise and dietary.
Plasma epinephrine and lactate were analyzed from blood samples extracted from the antecubital vein every 3 minutes until exhaution.
On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, conclusions were drawn as follows:
1. Plasma epinephrine in glycogen-loaded condition markedly increased with workloads, and the difference of epinephrine concentration between glycogen loaded condition and glycogen-depleted condition was significant(p<0.05) from 120 watt workload upward.
2. Lactate concentration remarkably increased in glycogen-loaded condition with workloads, and differences among three conditions were significant(p<0.01) at lower workloads.
3. Changes of epinephrine and lactate were similar in all conditions. But changing points of these variables were occurred at lower workloads and higher workloads in glycogen-loaded condition and glycogen-depleted condition, respectively.
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Body Segment Parameters and their Prediction Equation in Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 인체분절 모수치와 그 추정식
박우규WooKyuPark , 김성수SungSooKim
33(3) 332-356, 1994
Body Segment Parameters and their Prediction Equation in Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 인체분절 모수치와 그 추정식
박우규WooKyuPark , 김성수SungSooKim
This study was conducted to develop an image processing system to obtain the biomechanical parameters of the human body and its segments using a mathematical model, to determine the segmental and the whole body length, radius, volume, mass center, and moments of inertia with respect to the three principal axes of rotation passing through the center of mass of Korean male athletes, and to establish a reliable means for estimating these parameters from easily measured anthropometric demensions.
The model is based on the assumptions that the human body is composed of 16 rigid bodies subdivided into a finite number of elliptical discs and that the segment densities are known. The subjects chosen for this study were 50 male university athletes of 18-22 years of age. Two 35㎜ cameras enabled simultaneous photographs of the body to be made. The optical axes of the cameras were horizontally aligned to provide anterior and lateral views of the body. The photo graphic records were analyzed by reading the image using the scanner, defining the contours and required points of the segments using the mouse, and computing the various segmental and whole body parameters.
The model of the human body described in this study was an advancement over previous mathematical models in that a representation of the segments by elliptical disc 5 ㎜ wide followed the shape fluctuation of the body more closely. The image processing system was advantageous in that subject-researcher interaction time and inconvenience to the subject was minial. The accuracy of the method was evaluated by comparing the estimates of total body mass with the mass as measured on weigh scale.
The results for the 50 subjects showed an error of 2.09%. The location of the center of mass expressed as percentage of body height from the sole of the feet was found to be at 54.67% in men, The principal moments Ixx and Iyy are approximately of the same magnitude for the upper arm, lower arm, thigh and calf with the principal moment Izz being approximately 25.4, 25.0, 27.5, and 2% of the Iyy values. The volume, mass, and three principal moments of inertia of the human body and its segments can be predicted from one or more anthropometric dimensions with acceptable levels of accuracy, and the predictive equations established in this study can provide accurate estimates of them for individuals as well as for populations.
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Effects of Body Builder Protein Diet on Changes of Blood Components and Musde Strength of Weight Lifters 자연과학편 : Body Builder Protein 투여가 역도선수의 혈액성분 및 기초 체력에 미치는 영향
33(3) 357-367, 1994
Effects of Body Builder Protein Diet on Changes of Blood Components and Musde Strength of Weight Lifters 자연과학편 : Body Builder Protein 투여가 역도선수의 혈액성분 및 기초 체력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of protein diet supplementation on changes of blood components and performance of exercises during 60 days. The subjects of this study were 18 Weight Lifters(20.65±1.06yrs), And, they were randomly assigned to Protein Diet group and Normal Diet group(Control group). The results were summarized as follows:
1. Erythrocyte was increased gradually after 60 days. Protein Diet group was showed 51017± 1762/㎕ and Control Diet group was showed 5033±1919/㎕. But, these results were not significant differences between two groups.
2. Leucocyte and Hemoglobin were not significantly increased and decreased during 60 days in two groups.
3. Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, and Glucose were increased during 60 days both Protein Diet group and Control Diet group. But, these results were not significant differences between two groups.
4. Total cholesterol was decreased gradually after 60 days. Protein Diet group was showed 144.12±18.78㎎/㎗ and Control Diet group was showed 151.62±26.45㎎/㎗. And, these results were significant differences between two groups(p<0.05).
5. HDL-Cholesterol was increased gradually after 60 days. Protein Diet group was appeared to 54.06±7.02㎎/㎗ and Control Diet group was appeared to 49.44±6.6㎎/㎗. And, these results were significant differences between two groups(p<0.05).
6. Right-hand Grip Strength was increased gradually after 60 days. Protein Diet group was showed to 48.75±8.54㎏ and Control Diet group was showed to 45.04±7.95㎏. And, these results were significant difference between two groups(p<0.05).
7. Left-hand Grip strength, Back Strength, and Muscular Endurance were increased gradually after 60 days. But, these results were not significant differences between two groups.
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Isokinetic Analysis of the Knee Extensors and Flexors of the Collegiate Soccer Players 자연과학 편 : 대학축구선수의 슬관절 굴신에 대한 등속성 근력분석
33(3) 368-374, 1994
Isokinetic Analysis of the Knee Extensors and Flexors of the Collegiate Soccer Players 자연과학 편 : 대학축구선수의 슬관절 굴신에 대한 등속성 근력분석
Isokinetic evaluation of the knee extensors and flexors at 60˚, 180˚, 240˚/sec was performed using the isokinetic exercise machine(Model No. Cybex 340) for the 14 soccer players and 14 untrained students.
The results were follows:
1. There were significant differences in the mean peak torque of knee extensors and flexors in both groups. As the angular velocity increased, the peak torque was reduced.
2. There was significant difference between payers and general students in the hamstrings to quadriceps ratio. As the angular velocity increased, the hamstrings to quadriceps ration was reduced.
3. In both groups, there significant differences in average power, total work and endurance ratio at 240˚/sec.
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A Study on the Cardiovascular function by Exercise Events 자연과학편 : 종목별 운동선수들의 심폐기능 비교 연구
We investigated the difference of the cardiovascular function in order to hold the characteristics of Exercise events to advance the contest capability.
We acquired scientific data from cycle Ergometer with gradual increase of step load.
By this research, we draw a conclusion as follows.
1. We could not found significance difference between five groups in a rest TVe.
The respiration of single ventilation of maximum was revealed as G1(3760.00±1060.38㎖/min). followed by G4(3090.70±609.65㎖/min), followed by G2(2970.20±300.12㎖/min), followed by G3(2812.90±358.80㎖/min), followed by G5(2440.90±58.29 ㎖/min) and there is a remarkable difference between groups(p<0.001).
2. We could not found significance difference between five groups in a ventilation of rest but the maximum ventilation(Ve max) was recorded as G1(188.24±42.65ℓ/min), followed by G2(156.29±17.99 ℓ/min), followed by G4(147.29±18.77 ℓ/min), followed by G3(140.72±14.62 ℓ/min), followed by G5(105.95±11.91 ℓ/min) and also remarkable difference was found among groups(p<0.001).
3. We could not found the respiration rate(RR) of rest was located from G4(10.54±3.65n/min) to G3(15.43±4.28n/min), and there is not reliable difference respiration rate of maximum laid between G1(61.56n/min) and G5(57.90n/min).
4. The Heart rate(HR) of rest was appeared from G4(66.28±21.32beats/min) to G3(83.25±8.16beats /min) by above facts, we could not found credible difference.
The Heart rate of maximum was appeared as G4(194.14±5.17beats/min), followed by G1(184.93±7.56beats/min), followed by G3(183.96±10.15beats/min), followed by G5(178.21±8.54beats/min), followed by G2(174.62±9.16beats/min) also there is a remarkable difference was found(p<0.001).
5. The rest O₂ pluse was located from G1(7.92±2.36) to G5(4.80±1.40) and showed reliable difference(p<0.05).
The maximum O₂ pulse was record as order of G1(28.81±6.99), followed by G2(24.07±2.74), followed by G3(20.75±2.60), followed by G4(19.66±2.01), followed by G5(15.18±1.89) and showed reliable difference(p<0.01).
6. The rest oxygen uptake was located from G1(573.22±158.17㎖/min) to G5(347.58±105.62㎖/min) and showed reliable difference(p<0.01).
The maximum oxygen uptake was record as order of G1(4849.50±1221.64㎖/min), followed by G2(4110.00±372.62㎖/min), followed by G4(3728.40±379.95㎖/min), followed by G3(3624.30±331.18㎖/min), followed by G5(2632.30±237.43㎖/min) and showed reliable difference(p<0.001).
7. The rest ventilation of carbon dioxide(VCO₂) was located from G2(685.13±394.40㎖/min) to G5(333.28±116.82㎖/min) and showed reliable difference(P<0.01).
The maximum ventilation of carbon dioxide(VCO₂) was record as order of G1(6612.30±1561.20㎖/min), G2(5877.60±728.60㎖/min), G4(5074.50±670.51㎖/min), G3(4652.90±602.07㎖/min) and showed reliable difference(p<0.001).
8. The rest rate of gas exchange was located from G4(0.79±0.02) to G1(0.79±0.03) and did not show any difference.
The maximum rate of gas exchange was record as order of G1(1.19.±0.05) followed by G5(1.10±0.04) followed by G3(1.13±0.05) followed by G4(1.12±0.06) followed by G2(1.10±0.04) and they have not reliable difference between groups.
9. The maximum oxygen uptake of rest was appeared from G1(573.22±158.17㎖/min) to G5(347.58±105.62㎖/min) by above facts, we could not found credible difference.
The maximum oxygen uptake of maximum was appeared as G1(64.58±14.42㎖/㎏/min), followed by G2(52.39±4.13㎖/㎏/min), followed by G4(51.51±4.82㎖/㎏/min), followed by G3(47.92±2.18㎖/㎏/min), followed by G5(42.11±3.33㎖/㎏/min) also theres a remarkable difference was found(p<0.001).
By above data we reached some conclusion as follows. The groups did not show any remarkable difference in the state of relaxation. Except for the rate of gas exchanges, the maximum value in the state of exercise revealed the reliable difference between those groups, and cardiovascular function was recorded as order of G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, but in case of gas exchange did not.
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Kinematic Analysis of a Golf Swing 자연과학편 : 골프스윙의 운동학적 분석
김하영 , 박진
33(3) 391-399, 1994
Kinematic Analysis of a Golf Swing 자연과학편 : 골프스윙의 운동학적 분석
김하영 , 박진
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables during the golf swing. Ten men golf players participated in this study. The subjects were personally recurited by the researcher. The hadicaps of all subjects were less than ten. All subjects were right-handed and performed with right-handed. Two Nac 400 high speed video cameras, a Nac 400 video recorder, and a wipe system were used to videotape the subjects at a rate of 200 fields per second on standard VHS tapes. Eleven kinematic variables were collected from all subjects. Mean and standard deviation were used to describe these data.
The results of this study were as follows:
1. The maximum degrees of shoulder rotation about the Y axis occurred during backswing and downswing were 115˚ and 124˚, respectively.
2. The amount of left hip joint horizontal displacement occurred during downswing was 4 times longer than that of backswing.
3. The amount of left shoulder joint horizontal displacements occurred during backswing and downswing were same.
4. The peak linear velocity of left hand was 6 times slower than that of clubhead.
5. The execution time for the downswing was 3 times longer than the execution time for the backswing.
6. The width of the stance, from toe to toe, was about 3cm wider than the shoulder width.
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Metabolites Responses during Graded Exercise with Glycogen Conditions 자연과학편 : 운동강도증가에 따른 체내 당질 조건별 에너지대사변인 반응
민경선 , 김형렬
33(3) 400-408, 1994
Metabolites Responses during Graded Exercise with Glycogen Conditions 자연과학편 : 운동강도증가에 따른 체내 당질 조건별 에너지대사변인 반응
민경선 , 김형렬
The purpose of this study was to investigate changes of metabolites during graded. exercise in various glycogen conditions.
The subjects selected for the experiment were composed of 7 male college students. They performed exercise test by way of bicycle ergometer in normal glycogen condition, glycogen-depleted condition and glycogen-loaded condition. Glycogen depletion and loading condition were formed as a results of exercise and dietary. Metabolites were analyzed from blood samples extracted every 3 minutes until exhaution.
On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, conclusions were drawn as follows:
1. Glucose concentration significantly increased in both normal glycogen condition and glycogen-loaded condition from the workload of 120watts. But it was not significant in glycogen-depleted condition on the whole.
2. FFA concentration decreased more or less in all conditions with workloads, and differences among three conditions were not significant.
3. Protein concentration significantly increased in three conditions with workloads, but differences among three conditions were not significant on the whole.
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Effects of Movement by Weight Training Model in the Nucleolar Organizer Region Activity of Rat Soleus and Gastronecmius Muscle 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝 모델에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 가자미근과 장단지근의 핵소체 형성부위 활성에 미치는 효과
33(3) 409-417, 1994
Effects of Movement by Weight Training Model in the Nucleolar Organizer Region Activity of Rat Soleus and Gastronecmius Muscle 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝 모델에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 가자미근과 장단지근의 핵소체 형성부위 활성에 미치는 효과
This study was to investigate the nucleolar organizer region(NOR) associated protein synthesis by silver chloride staining in the healthy rat soleus and gastronecmius muscle loaded with movement by klitgaard`s weight training model.
Ag-NOR technique is a direct measure of the ongoing transcriptional activity of the rRNA gene or their activity. The number of Ag-NORs sites within nucleus may reflect protein synthetic activity and proliferation.
Thirty spraque-Dawley adult female rat(190-200g) were divided into control and 3 experimental group were trained for 1. 2. 3 months.
Body weight and muscle weight measured at 1. 2. 3 month. The removed muscle fixed by immersion, and processed for light microscopy.
The result were as follow:
1. Body weight were increased, but muscle weight were decreased with the lapse of time of training.
2. after movement, The mean number of nucleolar organizer regions per nucleus were significantly increased at 3 month in soleus muscle and 2. 3 month in gastronecmius muscle.
3. The percent of nucleus include 4 Ag-NOR or more was increased with the lapse of time of training.
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The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Composition, Physical Fitness and Cardiorespiratory Function of the Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetics 자연과학편 : 운동요법이 인슐린 비의존성 당뇨병 환자의 신체조성, 체력 및 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
김종인JongInKim , 김태운TaeUnKim , 이광무KwangMooLee
33(3) 418-428, 1994
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Composition, Physical Fitness and Cardiorespiratory Function of the Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetics 자연과학편 : 운동요법이 인슐린 비의존성 당뇨병 환자의 신체조성, 체력 및 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
김종인JongInKim , 김태운TaeUnKim , 이광무KwangMooLee
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic exercise training on body composition, physical fitness and cardiorespiratory function of the Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetics.
Fifteen Diabetics(male=8, female=7) were adapted to perform the aerobic exercise training for 50 min/day, 3 times/week during 10 weeks. The measurement variables were % fat, lean body mass(LBM), fat mass(FM), total body water(TBW) and muscular strength, sit-ups, vertical jump, trunk flextion, trunk extension, foot balance, reaction time, and vital capacity, blood pressure, pulse rate.
The conclusion of this study was as follows:
1. Changes in body composition
1) The measure of % fat in male and female has been decreased significantly by aerobic exercise training(P<0.05).
2) The measure of LBM in male and female has been increased by aerobic exercise training(P<0.05, P<0.01).
3) The measure of FM in male and female has been decreased by aerobic exercise training(P<0.05, P<0.01).
2. Changes in physical fitness
1) The measure of muscular strength had no significant differences by aerobic exercise training.
2) The measure of power had no significant differences by aerobic exercise training.
3) The measure of flexibility has been increased by aerobic exercise training(P<0.05).
4) The measure of muscular endurance has been increased by aerobic exercise training(P<0.05, P<0.01).
5) The measure of balance in male has been increased by aerobic exercise training(P<0.05).
6) The measure of agility had no significant differences by aerobic exercise training.
3. Changes in cardiorespiratory function
1) The value of vital capacity had no significant differences by aerobic exercise training.
2) The value of pulse rate has been decreased in male and female by aerobic exercise training(P<0.01).
3) The value of blood pressure had no significant differences by aerobic exercise training.